How important is the choice of flooring for underfloor heating? More and more frequently, we hear about energy efficiency and underfloor heating. Many people switch to a floor heating system considering the energy savings and the potential of this type of heat distribution.

Underfloor heating, compared to other heating systems, has a higher initial cost, which is amortized over time thanks to reduced consumption and the advantages it offers. In underfloor systems, heat distribution is wide, and the operating temperature is low. Therefore, the air is warm even if it is not excessively heated.

The energy efficiency of the system also depends on the type of flooring installed: some materials can insulate too much or be too weak. Once you decide to change your heating system, it is crucial to choose the right type of flooring to install.

Terracotta Floorings

Terracotta is an excellent choice for underfloor heating because it has high thermal conductivity, unlike parquet, which is insulating. Being a natural material, terracotta does not release fumes. Its durability and impermeability make it particularly suitable for this type of system.

Terracotta floors can enhance any type of environment, both indoors and outdoors, adding a rustic and natural touch. The advantages of terracotta flooring are numerous and perfectly suited to the characteristics required for this type of heating system. Additionally, you can choose to lay your floor in a herringbone or straight pattern, depending on your taste and the decor.

Parquet for underfloor heating

The choice between terracotta or parquet flooring is one of the most common when selecting the right flooring for this type of heating system. While parquet is also a natural material and has a very beautiful aesthetic appeal, compared to terracotta, a parquet floor for underfloor heating is less suitable for this system due to its thermal insulation properties, resulting in low thermal conductivity. Parquet has less durability and resistance over time, and in case of leaks, it could swell or even be permanently damaged. Additionally, its maintenance is more delicate compared to terracotta flooring. For these reasons, it is considered a less forward-thinking choice than terracotta for underfloor heating systems.

Underfloor heating or radiators?

Choosing between underfloor heating or radiators is not always easy, and obviously, there are various factors to consider. If it’s a new apartment, almost always the goal is to install a new system, like underfloor heating. In the case of renovating a home, however, people typically prefer to keep what is already present.

Radiators offer excellent value for money: they are sturdy and last over time. Additionally, the environment stays warm even when the boiler is turned off. One of the main disadvantages is the aesthetic aspect: radiators are bulky and often become dust traps that are hard to reach and clean. For this reason, more and more people are opting for underfloor heating, conveniently hidden under the flooring.

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