What kind of atmosphere do you want to create in your terracotta kitchen? Modern, classic, country?

Here are some practical tips on using terracotta bricks in the kitchen: whether it’s the floor or the tiles, the starting point is always the style!

Masonry Kitchen: Classic or Modern Style?

Which bricks to choose for your masonry kitchen?

Handmade terracotta is increasingly popular for brick kitchens, where tiles and terracotta bricks are perfect for both walls and cooktop coverings. It can also be used for accents within the kitchen, such as in walls, window sills, shelves, and other elements.

In a modern setting, glazed terracotta is undoubtedly the best choice: with a wide range of products available in different colors, shapes, and finishes, you’ll easily find the perfect terracotta brick to suit your needs. Light furniture and white walls will complete the look.

Naturally, terracotta also pairs wonderfully with rustic and country-style environments: the classic brick color of terracotta can be used in both the kitchen tiles and flooring, and can be echoed in wooden furniture and accessories in earthy tones.

Terracotta Floors for the Kitchen: A Strategic Choice

Why choose terracotta floors for the kitchen? Mainly because it is a warm and welcoming material that blends well with the kitchen environment. Modern hydro-oil repellent treatments make terracotta floors resistant to the typical stressors of a kitchen (oil, water, grease, etc.). Secondly, it is easily matched with masonry kitchens, creating a distinctive style.


How do you envision your handmade terracotta kitchen?

Here’s an example of a classic kitchen with handmade terracotta: with the right combination, you can make the space rich with the typical characteristics of a rustic setting.

  • Terracotta flooring
  • Very light wall colors
  • Wooden furniture
  • Masonry kitchen
  • Terracotta bricks
  • Terracotta ceramics as decorative elements

Handmade terracotta is also particularly versatile because it allows for customization of the final result with various shapes and colors. For a large space, for example, large square bricks could be a good choice; in a modern setting, you might choose glazed terracotta tiles. The possibilities are those of a custom-made artisan product: countless, beautiful, and all incredibly elegant.

cucina in cotto smaltato

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