The warm and family-friendly atmosphere of a hearth warms the soul, especially if it is a handmade terracotta fireplace.

The creation of handmade rustic fireplaces certainly involves a project, whether for a new building or an existing one.
In both cases, it is necessary to check the presence of one or more chimneys and/or the possible installation of new ones. Once this first aspect (which is crucial) is determined, the ideal position for the terracotta fireplace should be identified. Beyond the aesthetic taste, it is necessary to consider its important thermal function, so it would be preferable to choose a more frequently used room, such as a kitchen, dining room, living room, and/or verify its centrality in relation to the rest of the house. If the home spans multiple levels, the ideal choice would be the lowest level, as this would favor heat radiation while also considering the movement of warm air masses to the upper levels.

That said, let’s describe in detail the classic fireplaces, distinguishing the hearth or combustion chamber enclosed by the side supports, the firebox, which is the lower part with the possible grid for collecting ash, the chimney hood for directing smoke, the chimney flue, and the external chimney cap.
The use of handmade terracotta for the construction of a fireplace is ideal because it can stay in contact with and remain near the fire. It can store heat and release it into the environment even long after the fire has gone out.
Here, we look at some examples of fireplaces, knowing that there are many different shapes and sizes.

Classic Fireplaces: Terracotta Fireplace Cladding


In Figs. 1 and 2, two classic brick masonry fireplaces are depicted, featuring side supports and a base made of bricks. The hearth surface could be made of either stone, bricks, or refractory slabs. The external hood cladding in exposed brick is also shown in detail.

In Figs. 2 and 3, the application of handmade terracotta in masonry fireplaces is illustrated, including the introduction of prefabricated hearths.

In Fig. 3, a special frame made of handmade terracotta is used, which can be customized according to the customer’s preferences and taste. In Fig. 4, the same bricks can be used to create the side supports and lintel, or an alternative solution with slats and/or angles can be chosen to cover the perimeter edges of the fireplace opening.


Another element that often characterizes the exterior of our homes is the chimney. Whether in a historic center or in the countryside with a beautiful surrounding environment, “the eye wants its part,” and a handmade terracotta chimney will surely enhance your property.

Handmade rustic fireplaces: brick rustic fireplaces

For your home’s tavern, a rustic setting, a countryside villa, or a warm and welcoming residence: corner rustic fireplaces often become the hearth around which the family gathers. Therefore, it is important that both the appearance and functionality meet the standards of their role. Additionally, the quality of the materials used ensures resistance and durability over time.
Fornace Bernasconi provides its clients with everything needed to create a handmade terracotta fireplace. From standard elements to custom-made solutions designed to meet both the aesthetic and functional needs of the client, Fornace Bernasconi produces a brick with high technical performance (with almost refractory characteristics) but also with aesthetic purposes (face-brick with various colors and finishes).

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