Terracotta, prized and noble, has always been used not only for rustic interior coverings but especially in outdoor environments. We can say that designers have rediscovered and recently re-evaluated this material, considering it even for more modern outdoor spaces. Terracotta flooring for outdoor areas, outdoor terracotta stairs, terracotta coverings, terracotta sidewalks, or poolside borders: these are just a few of the natural placements where authentic and durable handmade brick can be found outdoors.

How to explain the success of terracotta in outdoor flooring?

It’s simple: tradition captivates, perhaps because the past has always fascinated us. The sense of craftsmanship takes us back to a world far from the present, an escape that, thanks to the materials, we can discover with our senses: touch and sight, to experience an ancient solidity and warmth. Moreover, terracotta blends perfectly with rustic, classy environments and offers a pleasant contrast when used in association with modern furnishings. From a technical standpoint, terracotta bricks are particularly suitable as they are FROST-RESISTANT, VEHICLE-ACCESSIBLE, and ANTI-SLIP (Fornace Bernasconi holds a certification for slip resistance).

Terracotta Flooring for Outdoors: Features and Uses

Terracotta bricks for outdoors are widely used in various areas, thanks to their significant aesthetic impact and, above all, the high level of resistance of the material. The use of terracotta enhances natural environments. At first glance, it provides a sensation of delicacy and can fully integrate with natural elements, blending with the green shades of leaves or the various brown tones of the earth. Whether they are outdoor terracotta floors, pool edges, sidewalks, outdoor stairs, columns, arches, or other features, handmade terracotta not only serves as flooring or cladding but also enhances and beautifies spaces due to its warm colors and artisanal, natural quality.

Handmade terracotta garden bricks are among the most commonly used materials by landscape architects and outdoor designers. Thanks to their natural components and craftsmanship, this material remains highly aesthetic, even when competing with other materials like stone or marble. The artisanal nature of terracotta allows for an infinite variety of shapes, sizes, thicknesses, and finishes (custom-made terracotta) to meet every need.

Also read: “Terracotta Lawn Flooring

Terracotta for Outdoors: Durability of Terracotta in Outdoor Environments

One of the main characteristics of this material is undoubtedly its durability. The constituent elements (deep clay) and the high firing temperatures are the real secret. During firing, the gray clay changes to the typical terracotta color (from yellow to pink, depending on the firing temperature). The final product is certainly a resonant brick, durable, and at the same time porous, but especially FROST-RESISTANT, meaning it can withstand very low temperatures (an essential feature for an outdoor brick, whether it’s an outdoor terracotta floor, a sidewalk, or anything else). These characteristics make it perfect for terrace flooring, as well as for an outdoor terracotta portico.

As a particularly durable material, terracotta is the ideal solution for rustic outdoor flooring. In the ranking of the main building materials for outdoor use, terracotta is the most beloved material, managing to surpass other natural materials, both for its beauty and its structural qualities. The compactness and solidity of a terracotta floor offer pleasant sensations to the touch and sight, as well as making it naturally anti-slip, which makes it particularly suitable for outdoor spaces, even in public areas.

Fornace Bernasconi produces a terracotta brick particularly suited for outdoor flooring, as it is FROST-RESISTANT, DURABLE, and ANTI-SLIP, with various colors and finishes that our company offers.

Discover the catalog for Outdoor Flooring.


Best Paving for Outdoor Driveways

The distinguishing feature that makes terracotta the best paving for outdoor driveways is its resistance to impact and its durability over time. Its natural composition can withstand the weight of vehicles without sustaining damage. Moreover, terracotta is naturally frost-resistant, perfect for preventing slippage from cars and dangerous falls.

In addition to its ability to bear the weight of cars, terracotta for outdoors also offers an anti-slip surface that enhances safety. This is what makes terracotta the best paving for outdoor driveways! Whether you’re walking or driving, it’s essential to have flooring that provides stability and grip, especially in the presence of rain or moisture. Terracotta for outdoors has a porous surface that reduces the risk of accidental slips, providing a secure base for vehicles and pedestrians.

Terracotta flooring for outdoors is an excellent choice for creating an elegant, functional, and durable outdoor environment. The beauty of terracotta flooring for outdoors lies in its ability to combine aesthetics with practicality. This flooring offers a feeling of warmth and authenticity that blends beautifully with outdoor spaces.

In addition to being driveable, terracotta for outdoors can withstand weather conditions such as sun, rain, and frost. This means your flooring will maintain its elegant appearance and functionality for a long time, without requiring costly repairs or replacements.


Rustic Bricks for Outdoors

Rustic bricks for outdoors have the right characteristics to give an authentic charm to any type of outdoor space. As we have seen, their resistance to weather and weight makes them perfect for cladding and outdoor flooring, such as driveways, sidewalks, and even poolside edges.

But beyond their resistance, there is much more. Their unique appearance, resulting from the artisanal processing of completely natural raw materials, makes them extremely versatile even in outdoor settings. Characterized by irregular, porous surfaces and natural colors, rustic bricks for outdoors exude an authentic, vintage charm.

Not just flooring: their rough texture makes them perfect for creating custom walls and columns, as well as stairs and other elements that can enhance the outdoor space in the best way. In this case, customization can also be requested based on specific needs.

A driveway of rustic bricks for outdoors in terracotta is the calling card your home has been waiting for.

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